It’s not Friday….but I don’t care.

Oh you know where this is going. If you don’t, watch this.

Now that you wish you could get the last five minutes of your life back, let’s talk. 
Actually, I don’t think we have to do much talking about this. But we can talk anyways.
This video is just plain bad. I don’t really know how else to say it.
Poor Rebecca Black, her parents just wanted her to be famous, but now she is famous for being absolutely TERRIBLE. Her voice sounds so whiny and half the time her face looks like she is in labor pains. And I didn’t even get to the lyrics yet.
What am I? 5? I think people who are watching this video know what the days of the week are, and if they don’t, start attending school. Really? A song about Friday? But then it’s not just Friday. She ever so kindly tells us that Thursday is the day before and then Saturday and Sunday come afterwards. I can now be at ease knowing the order of half of the days of the week…..right.
Beyond the terrible lyrics and the bad singing by Black, let’s get to this rapper who just comes up out of no where. Where does this guy think he is going? Is he hoping to get famous by this? Well he did, and now no one would ever take him worth a grain of salt because he has shamed his non existent career on this song.
This kind of reminds of Justin Bieber, except at least the Bieb has some TALENT! I will admit I am not his biggest fan, but at least he can sing better than this chick. 
Friday is not Rebecca’s only glorious performance on YouTube. Just search around and you will see many more outrageously bad videos. Well I can’t talk about this anymore or else I’m going to lose it. 
Rebecca, nothing personal, but PLEASE do not sing anything else. Save yourself the embarrassment because no amount of auto tune can save you now.

Spring Break

Okay so I have realized that I haven’t been posting on this very much, but the last couple of weeks have been kinda busy, but alas, Spring Break is here! Wonderful, and I’m in good ol Bedford County and as I look out the window all I see is clouds and trees that are getting whipped by the cold wind. I thought Spring Break was supposed to be…I don’t know…spring-like? Oh well, at least it is a break from school.

Now, I have a problem. I have been captivated by the iPad 2 and I think I want one. I know I will get hate for wanting an iPad and people will just say “It’s just a big iPod touch, wahh wahh.” Well, you like to buy your things, I like to buy mine. I know people who spend thousands of dollars for speaker systems in their cars and they only get to use them when they are in the car. I think that is dumb, but you don’t see me harassing people about it (until just now). I don’t know, I would just like to have an iPad. Problem is, I don’t have the money. Well, I have the money, but I’m not about to blow $500 bucks for a huge touch screen device. I need to be raising this money. I’ve decided if I want it, I’m gonna have to start selling some stuff. For example, old iPod Touch, old Nintendo DS lite, and other random games and stuff. Basically, I will be trading a bunch of my old stuff for a new thing. Makes more sense than just going out and buying it on a whim and adding it to a pile of things. Another problem, I don’t like selling my old stuff. ha. Guess I will have to get over that if I want to get an iPad. Hmm. Dunno yet.

I’m bored and it’s Saturday. Awesome.