Haven’t blogged in foreverrrr

I guess that means I’m busy, right?
I suppose so. The semester is starting to get moving and assignments are starting to be due! Lucky for me, I get to make videos all this semester! But really, it can get a little overwhelming trying to keep up with all the videos and assignments I have due…but oh well. Nothing to get to worried about.

My first video I actually did for my advanced video class was this commercial here.

I use some lighting techniques in this video and some kewl angles and what not. The scene in the beginning that is supposed to be a sunrise coming through the windows was actually down with a desk lamp and a binder. Talk about original. haha. While you are watching my videos, feel free to subscribe to my channel if you haven’t. ๐Ÿ˜‰
My channel has been growing recently and it is starting to catch a little momentum. I have recently partnered up with two other YouTubers and hopefully we can connect and share our content and audiences with one another. Who knows, hopefully something really awesome could come out of all this!

Also, I have a new website up! www.tgamentech.com. It’s pretty cool owning my own domain name and website. Makes me feel like I am responsible for something that isn’t gimmicky like a Facebook or Blogger (not that these things are bad). Looking forward to continue working on the site to make it bigger and better. I encourage you to check it out!

Well, nothing else too exciting has been happening. Don’t know when I will update next, maybe tomorrow or maybe next week. Who knows. haha.

Until then,
ย  Ciao (if thats how you spell it, I think it is, but I’m not 100% sure. oh well, don’t judge me)

Breaks almost over…

..so how was yours?
I hope it all went well and you had a good Christmas and New Year!

As for me, I was behind the camera (and sometimes in front of it) for a lot of the break. I really started to pump out some videos for my channel and I feel like it is growing more and more every day. (At least that’s what the numbers are showing me. haha)
Here’s my latest video for those of you who don’t follow along with my channel (but you should!!)

If you want to check out more videos from me, my channel isย TGameNTechย (click the name to take you to the channel! ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

But alas, I suppose it is time to return to reality and school. I’m hoping this semester will be smoother than last semester (I have less credits so I hope so..haha). It would be nice to finish off my college career on a high note (and more relaxed note as well).

Well I hope you check out my YouTube Channel, it would mean a lot to me and help me out! And I hope you keep reading my posts! Sorry for not being very active over break, but I’m sure I will be more active as I get back in to school and procrastinate my work and do this kind of thing instead. haha.

Talk to you all soon,