Power hungry people destroy great things…

It’s true.

This new network has popped up on YouTube and I was really interested in joining. They network focuses mainly on tech and if you partner with the network you get full YouTube Partner features (custom thumbnails, banner, etc) and you would reap the benefits of being connected to other channels.

Keep in mind this wouldn’t replace DragonRiderNetwork. DRN isn’t a network as in contacting ad agencies and getting payed and sponsored. DRN is just a bunch of YouTubers working together to bring content on one Channel.

Anyways, I guess some stuff went down (don’t know all the details) but the creator of the network seemingly got kicked out by two other people he invited on board to help him.

The creator has said that they were just power hungry and wanted the network for themselves and didn’t even talk to the creator before they decided to get rid of him.

Now that all of this has happened, there are a lot of hard feelings between people who support the network and people who support the original creator. Consequently, everyone who is going to be partnered with that network will have to deal with people trolling and hating on them and saying they supported an overthrow, unethical practices, etc, etc.  The real victims of all this will be the channels that get partnered.

Needless to say, I will no longer be seeking to partner with the channel, no matter what the situation is. Like I said, I don’t know all the details, but I don’t have to. I know that the Network broke up and it’s an ugly mess and a terrible PR move. We now have two sides, one supporting the people who still are in control of the network and one that supports the creator. No matter what it’s a bad situation and this will follow the network throughout it’s existence.

My initial gut feeling is that some people wanted this network for themselves and didn’t want to share it with certain other people or got mad/got their feelings hurt/ whatever. Thus, a power struggle ensued.

People who are desperate to have power just to have power will always end up bad. You end up hurting others and making a bad name for yourself. People need to learn to humble themselves and treat others as equals, even if in your mind you think you deserve more.

After all, CEO is just three letters. It really doesn’t mean anything. Your actions are what defines you.


 © 2012, Tyler Miller

New Location?

Hey everyone, hope you are all having a great day!

As I have been going about my normal business and thinking about my blogs, I am starting to wonder if I want to move them to their own domain.

If I would do this, I know where my gaming blog (Player Select) would go. I would just put it on my TGameNTech domain since it would be game related.

As far as my personal blog, I’m not sure where I would put it. I might keep it here. Dunno. Also, I might start up a third blog (a tech blog) and put it on the TGameNTech domain as well.

If I started up a tech blog most of my posting would be on it and the gaming one. I would still post on this one, just not as much.

Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.

I know that moving my gaming blog to my TGameNTech site would help traffic to my YouTube channel as well. It would be a lot of work but I think it would be worth it. The  question remains, where would I put this blog?

Maybe I will just leave it here on blogger for the time being. Dunno yet.

If you guys have any thoughts or suggestions I would love to hear them! Feel free to comment below!


Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TylerTGNT
Tech Channel: http://www.youtube.com/TGameNTech
Vlog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/WiseManDrummer
Personal Blog: http://www.wisemandrummer.blogspot.com
Gaming Blog: http://www.playerselectgames.blogspot.com

 ©2012, Tyler Miller

Fans and Lights..step by step

Some of you may have seen, some of you may have not, but I recently posted about my latest purchase of some PC fans along with a light kit off of ebay.

The PC fans are something I need because the last thing I want is my PC to fry. I got two Antec Blue LED fans. Here is the link if you want to check them out. I hope they aren’t too bright and are a soft blue…either way I’m sure they will look sweet.

Antec Blue LED Fans

As far as the Light Kit off of ebay, it is a purchase I have been wanting to make for a couple of months now. If you don’t know, I have a YouTube Channel, TGameNTech, where I review technology products and games. I have been using a pretty cheap light set up thus far (two desk lamps) and have been wanting to upgrade. I talked to someone from out at school who recently picked up a set off of ebay (they sell new) and they look promising. Here they are.

Julius Studio Softbox Lighting

It looks like it’s a deal that’s too good to be true ($380 set for $110) but I will soon find out. I have been told they work great so far so I am confident in the purchase.

Both of these things are being bought to advance both my quality and production. The fans will help keep my PC cooler, therefore making it last longer, therefore giving me more bang for my buck.

The light kit will help my videos tremendously. We learned in all of our video classes that lighting is huge. You can have an amazing camera but if you have bad lighting, the video will look terrible. I really hope I can make a big jump in quality with this kit.

Step by step I am making my way to better quality videos and gaining a bigger audience on YouTube. I also hope to get a better camera in the future and add a video element to my Re:Media Designs business.

I guess this post doesn’t offer much advice if you are looking for it…except that nothing comes overnight. If you want something you need to work for it. I have been making videos for over a year now and I am just now getting lights. Better late than never and I know they will help my quality. Just take things one step at a time and don’t overwhelm yourself. Don’t think it needs all done at once.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Don’t be like the stupid rabbit who got beat by a turtle.

-Tyler Miller

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TylerTGNT
Tech Channel: http://www.youtube.com/TGameNTech
Vlog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/WiseManDrummer
Personal Blog: http://www.wisemandrummer.blogspot.com
Gaming Blog: http://www.playerselectgames.blogspot.com

 © 2012, Tyler Miller

Increasing Your Reach

The more I read and the more I browse the internet, the more I see different ways to expand your reach and your audience. The newest site I found was triberr.com.

It might take awhile to understand how triberr works (I’m still not 100% sure) but I think it can really help expand your reach.


Triberr is based off the principles of “tribers” (which goes along well with Michael Hyatt’s “Platform” book).

You must first be accepted in to a tribe, and you achieve this by posting on a tribe a few times and then a message is sent to the “chief” and then they will determine if you are allowed in or not.

You select a tribe to try to join by genre and niche. For example, I have my gaming and personal blogs linked so I choose the categories of entertainment and technology. I found a tribe, posted in it a few times, and now am waiting to be accepted.

Once you are accepted in to a tribe you then have the ability to create your own 3 custom tribes. Tribe members are limited but I think this works out because you don’t want random people filling a tribe.

After you a part of a tribe, every time someone blogs, it goes to the tribe, and then the tribe (and you) automatically tweets out the blog link. (as seen in the picture above).

So I’m going to continute to use this service and I will let you know how much it increases my activity. Hopefully it works out well and I can get a bigger audience and help other members increase theirs at the same time!

© 2012,Tyler Miller


Yes, I know I didn’t post yesterday and I’m already breaking the routine. haha. But hey, it was my birthday and I was actually really busy! So I can use that as my excuse. A bigger, normal post will be made tomorrow, but for now, I’m going to head off and finish a post on Player Select. 

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post!

Here we go…again.

As you may have seen in a previous post, I want to start blogging regularly again. I know this will be quite time consuming with having a vlog channel and tech channel on YouTube along with running my own business…but I think it will pay off in the long run.

I have been reading more of Platform by Michael Hyatt and I think he really has some great information to share. If you own a business (or just have something to say and want people to hear) it’s a great book to pick up. It’s all about getting noticed among all of the noise and rising up on a platform in the internet world. I am almost half way done with it and have been really enjoying it thus far!

In other news….(haha just kidding this won’t be a news blog)
WWDC is today! I’m pretty excited. I want to see what Apple has to offer with iOS 6. I doubt a new iPhone will be announced or previewed today. If they plan for another Fall launch they will wait and have a separate keynote later. All I am gonna say is if Apple doesn’t change up iOS I will be switching to Android. The Galaxy SIII is looking pretty awesome right now…hmmm…
I’m just tired of looking at the same old iOS and same old icons on the same old same looking phone. Apple needs to mix it up and take some chances or they are going to lose market ground to Android and Windows Phone (as crazy as it might sound, yes it might happen).

Well, I want to keep these rather short. I don’t want people to think they have to read a book every time a blog comes up. I want to try to do these on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and do a post on my Gaming blog every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I will try it out for a few weeks and see if I like the format, if not, maybe I will change it up somehow…all I know is that it’s gonna be a lot of work!

If you guys have any comments or suggestions please feel free to comment them below! You don’t have to be registered with Blogger to comment, but you should probably put your name somewhere in the comment if you want me to see who you are (that is if you aren’t registered already).

Well, that’s all I have today for you guys, hopefully you like this blog and will continue to visit it!
See you guys around!

© 2012, Tyler Miller

Platform: Getting Noticed

I’m reading this book, Platform: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt…and I’m really enjoying. Hopefully I can put it into good use for both my new business, Re:Media Designs and TGameNTech. One big thing he stresses is blog use and frequency…guess I better get to work with that. haha

Not really much else to say right now, the newest thing I have going on is my business. It will take some time to get going but I think it will be good in the long run.

Well, I’m excited to read more of this book. Sorry for the lack of updates. I may be moving this to WordPress in the future. Dunno yet, maybe if I can make this blog look more appealing I will stick here. haha.

See you all later!

Tyler Miller