Power hungry people destroy great things…

It’s true.

This new network has popped up on YouTube and I was really interested in joining. They network focuses mainly on tech and if you partner with the network you get full YouTube Partner features (custom thumbnails, banner, etc) and you would reap the benefits of being connected to other channels.

Keep in mind this wouldn’t replace DragonRiderNetwork. DRN isn’t a network as in contacting ad agencies and getting payed and sponsored. DRN is just a bunch of YouTubers working together to bring content on one Channel.

Anyways, I guess some stuff went down (don’t know all the details) but the creator of the network seemingly got kicked out by two other people he invited on board to help him.

The creator has said that they were just power hungry and wanted the network for themselves and didn’t even talk to the creator before they decided to get rid of him.

Now that all of this has happened, there are a lot of hard feelings between people who support the network and people who support the original creator. Consequently, everyone who is going to be partnered with that network will have to deal with people trolling and hating on them and saying they supported an overthrow, unethical practices, etc, etc.  The real victims of all this will be the channels that get partnered.

Needless to say, I will no longer be seeking to partner with the channel, no matter what the situation is. Like I said, I don’t know all the details, but I don’t have to. I know that the Network broke up and it’s an ugly mess and a terrible PR move. We now have two sides, one supporting the people who still are in control of the network and one that supports the creator. No matter what it’s a bad situation and this will follow the network throughout it’s existence.

My initial gut feeling is that some people wanted this network for themselves and didn’t want to share it with certain other people or got mad/got their feelings hurt/ whatever. Thus, a power struggle ensued.

People who are desperate to have power just to have power will always end up bad. You end up hurting others and making a bad name for yourself. People need to learn to humble themselves and treat others as equals, even if in your mind you think you deserve more.

After all, CEO is just three letters. It really doesn’t mean anything. Your actions are what defines you.


 © 2012, Tyler Miller