And that’s a wrap! (Yeah, I went there)

And I hope you chuckled that the use of the word “wrap” and the connection with wrapping presents. If not, maybe next time.

So have you finished your Christmas shopping, or have you yet to start?
As for me, I started and I finished on Monday. I don’t like going out multiple times and like to get my shopping done in one trip. Once again, I have successfully completed this task, but it was only until this afternoon that I got around to wrapping the gifts.

I don’t know you about you, but I just couldn’t get myself to start wrapping them. Maybe it’s because I botch every gift that I wrap and it looks like a gift blob rather than a gift box…oh well.

After I got on a roll though, I didn’t stop until they were all wrapped. I guess that’s how I like doing things, all in one session. Same thing applies to me when I’m out at school. I can’t sit down, write a piece of paper, then come back a day later and do another piece, get up, and finish it a few days later. I just can’t function like that. I need to sit down and take it all on in one session (maybe two if it is a long paper).  But enough of that school work rant, that’s over and it’s Christmas break.

So how are you doing on your shopping/wrapping gifts? Hopefully you aren’t going to wait until Christmas Eve. That’s just asking for stress. haha.

If you want to try to get another gift for either you or a family member or friend, enter my iTunes Gift Card Giveaway below! I am giving away a $15 iTunes Gift Card to one random lucky winner. Everyone has an equal chance so I suggest you enter! As long as you have iTunes, this can be use to you! From apps to music, you can’t go wrong by entering this giveaway! Plus, it helps me and my YouTube Channel out! (And you know you want to do that! haha). The giveaway ends on December 26th and it’s easy to enter. Just watch the video below!

So I’m assuming you entered the giveaway, because you are awesome like that. haha. Thanks!

I’m sure I will manage to write another post sometime before Christmas, but until then, happy wrapping! (or buying if you haven’t done that yet [in that case, get to work])


All synced up….almost.

Huzzah for me. I have successfully synced and connected my TGameNTech YouTube Channel and my Blogger account. Before, I had them on two different accounts but now I have admin privileges on both accounts for my blogs. I know this might not interest many of you, but I figured maybe someone found it interesting.

This really doesn’t mean anything different for you readers, but it just makes embedding videos easier and I won’t have to log in and log out or use different browsers for my different accounts. That was really starting to get old…haha.

Also, if you haven’t checked out my faceobok page I made for TGameNTech, check it out here and like it please!
TGameNTech Facebook Page

Well, back to the video grind. Unfortunately, the internet upload speed is slow here at home and my computer doesn’t have a very fast processor so editing, rendering, and uploading videos takes a long time….ugh. I will need to make some updates in the future. haha.

Well, thats about it for now. See you all later. [Don’t forget to check out the page and keep watching my videos! :)]

Christmas Break has started!

Thanks goodness. And true to my word, I already have a new video up on my Channel. Check it out below.
Even if you don’t have an iPad, it still helps me out if you watch. 🙂
(imbedded video coming later, for some reason it isn’t working now)

So like I said before, Christmas break has officially started, and when I woke up it was actually snowing!
How fitting.
Well, it’s not snowing anymore and it didn’t lay so you wouldn’t even know if it snowed if you slept in until around noon, which no one should be doing. (You lazy bums).

So what do you all plan to do for Christmas Break? Feel free to comment below and let me know. (You don’t have to be registered to comment, but if you do, please leave your name so I know who commented! haha [you really don’t have to put your name if you REALLY don’t want to])

Stay tuned for more updates! I’m sure I will be talking about my YouTube Channel more and all that grand stuff.

Have a good beginning of your break!


Christmas Break=More YouTube Videos

Yes, indeed it does. (for me anyways)
I have two more finals today, then I am outta here and back home for a whopping 3 weeks! (4 would have been nice…haha)

But while I’m at home, I plan to really crank out videos for my YT channel, TGameNTech. Hopefully you guys watch them and like them, subscribe, comment, and what not. Every little view and like helps me out and I’m sure you won’t find the videos TOO boring even if you aren’t a tech loving person. haha.

This post really isn’t that interesting, but more of just an update as to what I will be doing most of my Christmas break, apart from the usual family time and Christmas celebrations of course!

Well I hope you all survived finals and make it back home safe and sound. I’m off to go study for a bit and keep packing. Hope to see you all on my YouTube channel!


Reading Day?

Does anyone honestly solely read on reading day? I doubt it, and if you do, kudos to you.
I’m not sure about other schools, but Geneva College gives us this nice little day off before finals and calls it “Reading Day.” I’m guessing we are supposed to read or something but most of the time it is just time spent sitting around doing nothing. Occasionally some work is done, but I don’t sit here and read the whole day. haha.

That being said though, I do enjoy having this day off before finals start up. Gives us a chance to just chill out and relax and prepare ourselves for the last push of the semester.

What are you doing this reading day? Sitting around having a movie marathon? Reading until your mind explodes? Doin work so you aren’t swamped when finals actually start? Or are you just sitting here staring at Facebook for 16 hours?

Whatever the case, don’t listen to Scumbag Brain. He doesn’t give good advice around finals week…

Also, I have been updating my YouTube Channel. Here is my latest game review!

Thanks for reading this post on Reading Day, how appropriate!!!

Almost there….

We are almost here…almost to the end of the semester. For some, the semester is already over. For others, finals week is quickly approaching. It’s hard to believe that I have only one more semester until I graduate. Oh boy. Haha.

I hope this finds you all relatively sane and I hope you took my last blog post into consideration (the one about taking a break from work). If you don’t take a break from work, I can assure you that you will go crazy. Learn to live a little. Haha.

As for me, I’ve had my fair share of busyness this semester. I have 21 credits and more classes and assignments than I can count. Now I know as a communications major some of you may say “oh you don’t do anything hard blah blah blah”
Well let me tell you, I have had some hard stuff to do this semester and a lot to do. So if you are pullin like 13 credits, don’t be tryin to tell me how bad you got it when me and plenty of other people are pullin 20+. And if I can find time to relax and breath, I’m sure you can too.

People take this college thing too seriously. It’s not like it’s life or death…..just pass or fail. Haha.

Oh yeah, maybe during your break you can check out my YouTube channel. That’d be sweeet.

Well, I better get back to doing something else rather than this.

Stay sane,

Work, Work, and Work.

That’s about all I have been doing since I got off break. I thought I would update this more on break, but Skyward Sword took away all my free time….but it was worth it. Such a great game. Still haven’t finished it, but that’s a conversation for another time.

So who here is busy with finals week right around the corner?  *hands shoot up across America*
Yeah I figured. Join the club!

I have one little word of advice to give to you, so you don’t lose your mind.

It’s just school.

Yeah, I said it. It’s just school. It’s not your life. It’s not what you were created for. It’s not your identity. And if it is…hmm…better rethink life a little bite.

If you are feeling a little stressed out from work, take a break. Watch Dirty Jobs or just stare at the ceiling. Everyone needs a break now and then. And right now is a perfect example. I have been doing homework all day but throughout the day I have taken breaks, and right now just happens to be one of those breaks.
It’s really not that hard to take a break. All you need to do is just walk away from what you are doing.

This may come easier to some than it does others, but like all skills, it takes time.

Do me a favor, don’t go crazy this week.