Bye Bye Sandy

Hurricane Sandy wasn’t too bad where I live. Some places had flooded roads and I’m sure some got water in their houses but it doesn’t compare to the destruction that some coastal cities experienced. Prayers go out to all of those on the coast who are still suffering and are without power and we pray for those as well in our own community who are still being affected.

Here’s a video from Tuesday. Only shot in the morning, didn’t really change all day.

Hurricane Sandy

huricaneSo apparently everyone is freaking out about this Hurricane Sandy thing….

Mom went to the Dollar Store and saw a ton of people she knew there and everyone asked her if she was getting ready for the storm…she was only there to pick up paper towels because we are out. haha. She said the place was completely sold out of water and some other supplies….why do people act as if the world is ending or that they are going to be trapped inside for months?

Oh well, at least they are being prepared….haha. Who knows, they could be right and it could dump 4 feet of snow on us when it collides with a winter storm or we might get a foot of water and rain.

One thing is pretty much certain though…it’s going to get windy and wet…and we will probably lose power for awhile. It’s basically a given, or so they tell us on the news/weather.

So, do you live in the northeast and are you freaking out about this Hurricane Sandy?
Let me know, I’m curious. haha.

If it gets really interesting I will do some vlogging during the storm. Ya never know what might happen.