Gaming Blog and Channel

Hey guys, just posting an update here linking you guys to my gaming channel!

Also, here is my newest video on that channel, going over an update to a future version of Minecraft, Minecraft 1.5!
This video covers the TNT Minecarts which are new in Minecraft 1.5

Please check it out and check out the channel, and if you enjoy, subscribe! 🙂

That Bleh Feeling

Hello internet,

Have you ever felt bleh? I’m sure you have, most people do every now and then. haha.
I’ve just been feeling bleh the past few days and really haven’t felt like making videos.
It’s not that I don’t want to make videos, it’s just that I’m not “feeling” them. If you make YouTube videos, you understand.

I’ve been through this before, and I think every YouTuber has. It’s just part of the process.
If you don’t feel like making a video, don’t force it. Your lack of motivation and will shows through the camera and mic and your audience will be able to tell if you are faking it or not.

I need to get a few other things done today and then I think I will shoot a video or two.
I think the main thing is that I have other stuff that needs done and it just distracts me in the video making process.

I guess the overall thought and message of this post is to not force YouTube videos. Even if you have a schedule (which I do) it’s okay to give yourself a break. The channel will still be there a few days later.

I also just realized that I started a lot of the lines in this post with the letter “I.” Really don’t know what that means. haha.
